My Dog’s Chewing And Digging Behavior

Dog Behaviors That You Can Control

Learn How To Control Digging and Chewing Behaviors

Dog Digging
Dog Digging

You wake up and go downstairs and discover that your best pair of shoes has been chewed on by your pet. Or, you go outside only to find that your dog has made a mess of your flower bed by digging holes. Your dog’s chewing and digging behavior is normal and now, you just have to help him to learn how to control it and can do these behaviors where they are permitted.

When dogs show these kinds of behaviors in areas where they are not wanted, it can be a sign of something wrong. What you need to do is discover the root cause of your dog exhibiting these kinds of behaviors.

The following topics should provide you with sufficient information in discovering the major cause of the digging and chewing behaviors your dog is doing on a regular basis.

Select a topic of interest and you will be taken directly to that section. Or, you can scroll down and view them all.

The topics that will be covered are:

Dog Behavioral Training Video

If you are experiencing any behavioral issues with your pet, I suggest that you view the video below. It is about 10 minutes long and it does provide some solutions to why your dog may be having some behavioral problems.

Dog Separation Anxiety Behavior Explained

To help you with dog training click here for a free download to help you in this area.

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Possible Causes

In most cases, it can be a sign that your dog is lonely, bored, or both.

Dogs by nature are curious animals. So, you will have to fill in those times when he feels lonely or bored. Don’t be surprised if you find your pet doing

Dog Chewing Up Couch
Dog Chewing Up Couch

something that you may not like. Remember, he is only doing what is coming naturally to him.

Since, you have neglected doing your part, your pet is doing what he wants to do without your consent.

It’s your responsibility, as the owner, to provide him with the mental and physical stimulation to minimize his impulse to chew or dig. Be sure to have plenty of toys for him to play with and treats to praise him when he displays the correct behavior.

Another possibility is your pet is trying to get your attention. As you provide him with your attention, you should observe these unwanted behaviors going away. If not, you may need to consider a trip to the vet, as something else may be wrong.

A final possibility is your dog is experiencing “dog separation anxiety”. This behavior is displayed by your dog when you leave him or her alone. They become panic stricken at the first sign you’re leaving the house or their side. This behavior should not be ignored. You must take care of this behavior or you will find a lot more of your “stuff” being destroyed by your dog.

Signs of resentment are:

  • Chewing up things when you are out or away
  • Urinates or defecates inside your home when you are out
  • Barking, whining, crying or howling at your departure

You dog will exhibit no guilt over the items being destroyed while you are away. Failure to take care of these issues can lead to further disobedience, changes to the pack hierarchy relationship, and create anxiety or aggression over time.

Review the video above which explains these issues in greater detail and provide you with some steps you can take to change this behavior.

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Chewing Behavior

This is a normal canine behavior. So, if you should observe your pet chewing on something that is off-limits, say “no” in a low voice. T

Destructive Dog Chewing Behavior
Destructive Dog Chewing Behavior

hen immediately give your dog a safe toy to chew on. Praise him for showing good behavior and give him a treat.

Be sure you have plenty of chew-able toys and vary the types. This will provide choices for your dog to play with and keeping his mind off chewing in unwanted places or things you do not want destroyed.

The most important thing that you can do to help control this behavior is to provide your dog with sufficient daily exercise time. You can hide some treats around the house which should get him curious to find. By providing lots of opportunities for him to play and exercise will be a huge start in helping your dog to stop displaying the unwanted chewing behavior.

If you have a puppy, they will begin to start teething within a month and then three to four months later start losing  their baby teeth and the adult teeth will start coming in. During these times, your dog will chew on almost anything they can get their mouth on. Provide your pet with plenty of different types of toys for him to chew on during this teething process.

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Digging Behavior

Dog Digging In Flower Garden
Dog Digging In Flower Garden

This is another normal canine behavior. Remember, dogs will do something to keep themselves from being board or lonely. Be sure to give them plenty of attention. You can do this by taking walks, play fetch, and teach him to catch a Frisbee or something else. All dogs require lots of exercise and will become antsy when they do not get enough of it.

Another benefit from lots of exercise is that your dog will sleep better at night.

Below are some suggestions for you to consider to aid in stopping his digging in areas that are out of bounds:

  • Provide your dog with a safe digging area away from the house or flower bed so he can dig away at his heart’s content. Cover the area with sand or dirt and bury treats and toys there to entice him to begin digging. If you should notice you pet digging in the wrong area say “no” and take him to the proper place and praise him for digging in the right spot and give him a treat.
  • Keep your pet busy by having plenty of interesting toys and rotate new ones regularly. Here is a suggestion: Stuff a Kong toy with peanut butter and freeze it for several hours and let him go at it.
  • If your dog is outdoors, provide adequate shelter, since dogs will dig holes to shield themselves from the sun or wind. Another effective method is to keep him indoors.

Note: If you keep your pet indoors, be sure to provide him with his own space where he can feel comfortable and safe as dogs like their own territory. This territory or space should be out of the way of heavy traffic areas.

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As a dog owner, you must be aware of your pets desire to be active. Your dog will not just rest all day while you are gone like cats do. You must provide them with sufficient play time and attention so they will not get bored or lonely. By doing this, your pet will not be chewing or digging in places you do not want him too.

The above methods or tips being shared may not work for all dogs or it may take more patience and time on your part to see a change in his behavior. You can always ask your vet for any additional suggestions or tips they recommend you try using.

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Shop Dog Training DVD’s

Below are some of the best selling dog training helps for dog owners. They are very reasonably priced and can help you train your dog to eliminate some of his bad behaviors.

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Train Your Dog - The Positive Gentle MethodTrain Your Dog The Positive Gentle Method
Train Your Dog – The Positive Gentle MethodTrain Your Dog - The Positive Gentle Method
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Living With Your Dog: Basic Training Parts I & IILiving With Your Dog: Basic Training Parts I & II
Living With Your Dog: Basic Training, Parts 1 & 2Living With Your Dog: Basic Training Parts I & II

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